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Integers in Automython act the same as ints in Python.


Strings in Automython act the same as strs in Python. You can use both ' or " symbols to enclose them, just like Python.


Booleans in Automython act the same as bools in Python.


Dictioniaries in Automython act the same as dicts in Python. The only difference in the more limited support types for what you can assign to keys to only Automython's "native" types, and no other Python types that are not included.


Sets in Automython act the same as sets in Python. The only difference is the more limited support types for what you can assign to keys to only Automython's "native" types, and no other Python types that are not included.


Tuples in Automython act the same as tuples in Python. The only difference is the more limited support, as you cannot perform most of the Python tuple functions and slick scripting you can here. They are built for a specific purpose, and it is moreso to be integrated with the computational theory concepts below.


Deterministic Finite Automaton:

The DFA object in Automython must resemble this syntax:

DFA(states, input_symbols, transitions, initial_state, final_states, allow_partial[optional]: bool)
It must also be assigned to a variable; it cannot be treated as an expression, i.e.:
dfa = DFA(states, input_symbols, transitions, initial_state, final_states, allow_partial[optional]: bool)

  • The states argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.
  • The input_symbols argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.
  • The transitions argument is a Dictionary. This can be either a Dictionary in the argument, or a variable that stores a Dictionary. The values of each key maps to an input symbol as a key to a String denoting the state.
  • The initial_state argument is a String. This can be either a String in the argument, or a variable that stores a String.
  • The final_states argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.
  • The allow_partial argument is optional, and is a Boolean. The default value is False if it is not specified, but if it is specified, it allows the DFA to be validated as a partial DFA.


Non-deterministic Finite Automaton:

The NFA object in Automython must resemble this syntax:

NFA(states, input_symbols, transitions, initial_state, final_states)
It must also be assigned to a variable; it cannot be treated as an expression, i.e.:
nfa = NFA(states, input_symbols, transitions, initial_state, final_states)

  • The states argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.
  • The input_symbols argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.
  • The transitions argument is a Dictionary. This can be either a Dictionary in the argument, or a variable that stores a Dictionary. The values of each key maps to an input symbol as a key to a Set of states.
  • The initial_state argument is a String. This can be either a String in the argument, or a variable that stores a String.
  • The final_states argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.


Deterministic Turing Machine:

The DFA object in Automython must resemble this syntax:

DTM(states, input_symbols, tape_symbols, transitions, initial_state, blank_symbol, final_states)
It must also be assigned to a variable; it cannot be treated as an expression, i.e.:
dtm = DTM(states, input_symbols, tape_symbols, transitions, initial_state, blank_symbol, final_states)

  • The states argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.
  • The input_symbols argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set. These symbols are all Strings, and are the only symbols that can exist on the tape before the Turing machine begins its run.
  • The tape_symbols argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set. These symbols are all Strings that are able to be read and written on the tape.
  • The transitions argument is a Dictionary. This can be either a Dictionary in the argument, or a variable that stores a Dictionary. The values of each key maps to an input symbol as a key to a Tuple of strings denoting the new state, write symbol, and direction to move on the tape.
  • The initial_state argument is a String. This can be either a String in the argument, or a variable that stores a String.
  • The blank_symbol argument is a String. This can be either a String in the argument, or a variable that stores a String. This is the symbol on the tape that fills theoretical space on the tape where the input is not.
  • The final_states argument is a Set. This can be either a Set in the argument, or a variable that stores a Set.